Getting back into the saddle

Greetings all,

For those of you who bet in the pool ‘why I have not posted for almost 3 months’ anyone that bought the “is dead” or “has quit” squares have lost.

I have been dealing with a huge and personal tragedy, one I respectfully don’t wish to share, other than to say I am not the first, won’t be the last, and wished I could fix thing to prevent it.

During this time, I have not been creative, or maybe to be accurate I have not be productively creative.   I have been drug down, beaten and my writing has reflected this.

But it’s a new year, and I can’t keep contained any longer, so I am back in the game.  I am working on my writing as always, and I am also working on my photography as well.  In a way this tragedy has freed me, given me options that maybe I had before, but now I can see and feel clearly!

I am attaching a raw, unedited test photo. THEY MAY NOT BE WORK FRIENDLY!!! (they are on the cusp of not being work friendly.)   Its for a new project I am working on, one that I will end up needing to crowd fund, but one that I honestly believe will be worth it.  The Crowd Fund idea, I am not sold on, but I already know how to proceed with it, and am going to try to make the crowd fund more of a “preorder” then a “give me money to produce”.

reactions and advice are appreciated, just try to keep it clean! (and if you hate hate hate it, but don’t have advice on how to improve it – save yourself some typing – I am posting to get input & ideas, not criticism.)

I will be back to my weekly updates, working between the problems.  Thanks for being patient and for still being here.

Cover_-_Demoness_405_(479x1024)As always, your